Sunday, July 10, 2011

Extract 7: The Afronauts


Today we will step out into a little metaphysical knowledge produced by the Afronauts, the following is from Extract: 7 Questions and Answers. Eye know some readers may not comprehend this type of knowledge, but with a little effort, research, and self study, things would start to become clear to you. This is our sacred science, and it belongs to all of us; for the betterment of the Afrikans the world over.


Many people read literature about the universe but do not reason that you are
actually a part of it. If we told you that the emotions love, hate or honesty etc
come either from Suns or higher spiritual forces you would think this rationale
is crazy. Well these emotions manifest in the mind right which is a part of the
body that evolved from the ground of planet Earth that originated from Suns
which comes from substances that as a collective represent darkness
(space). Astrology (Zodiac) suggests that certain star regions influence
human life on earth.

These solar-systems have different compositions.
Therefore, they give off different energy through light. They train you to follow
every star region except for the Star / Sun of our very own solar system,
which created our life on earth. Light has different frequencies and only
existences that can vibrate at certain frequencies can see the light at that
frequency. At a certain frequency, light is in line with the human eye. So light
outside our frequency to us would be considered a different dimension e.g
aura - scientifically proven to exist around humans. We have stressed the
darkness / blackness of existence is the prime state of existence. There are
different universes that exist in different dimensions or vibration frequencies
for what is the purpose of dimensions if existences can not exist within it.
These existences that vibrate at higher frequencies regress to this frequency
a (frequency) in line with this three dimensional plane.

Therefore, they become elements that the human eye can see and the human mind can
acknowledge. The trademark example is ice, water and air. They are really
the same existence at different frequencies. This is why we mentioned the
understanding of nothingness. The domain of bi-aps and quarks for these
elements are lighter than hydrogen and helium and are not considered gases.
Solid, liquid and gases are what are generally considered – something's.
Elements outside this trinity are definitely considered nothing.

Though the common man has been taught that nothing is darkness / blackness which
really is a collection of many creational substances which in governed
intervals within space, time and matter can create, rejuvenate, and
manipulate. These gases as a collective where known by ancient Nubians as
9-Ether (ether as upper air – the burning blackness of matter into all things).
All this ties in with Triple Stage Darkness. Now the space time continuum
estimated at 14 billion years old (a very low estimate at that) is NOT the
expansion and retraction of a universe. A collapse of a solar-system within a
galaxy can force a part of a Universe to fall back on to itself. Even within their
notion the universe can retract but not to the extent of the extraction. The 18
million years we stated refers to the suggested retraction / extraction period of
this universe.

You have a circle of existence (scientists call a universe) inside
this circle are galaxies. This circle expands with galaxies in it. Now what we
are suggesting is that within this circle you have clusters of galaxies, which
move in the same current or direction (frequency or dimension). These
clusters are universes. This is similar to a bowl of water, which has different currents within it. These clusters of galaxies vary in size and existing within
the same current makes their existence dependent on each other thus
becoming a universe. Ethiopian scientists’ suggested this as well in the
1970’s. These Ethiopian scientists were not respected by the west the same
way the west doesn’t respect alternative medicine. They only respect their
view and have millions of Nubians world-wide following their view. We assure
you that when Nubians give out theories that challenge their existence they do
not respect it. The same way the archaeological data of Nubians existence
has been heavily pushed underground. People don’t understand that the
writers don’t own this information – WE ALL DO. There are different Nubian
schools expressing their rationale throughout these extracts. In extract 76
(Vol.6) we stated that the SECOND biggest existence is a universe based on
a three dimensional reality. There are higher dimensions of existence and
within these dimensions, a reality is present. Other dimensions are
scientifically acknowledged but rationale vary because this now steps into
their understanding of religion believe it or not. Existence from higher
dimensions can manipulate existences at lower planes. The same way a
programmer can manipulate existences from a two-dimensional perspective.
Cycles are always present - you have Suns that continually burn out light
throughout their existence which then collapse into black holes that MUST
take back the light. Light is NOT the controlling existence in universes.
Blackness / darkness controls light. Black holes end when the same amount
of light the Sun gave out is returned. We told you the surface of Suns are
black thus imploding into Black Holes. This creates balance in the universe.
Mainstream science today does not discuss in detail the role of Black Holes in
relation to the existence of universes. To conclude this simply – we strongly
suggest different dimensions; densities and matter create different universes.
These are clusters of galaxies. Mainstream science has grouped all these
clusters of galaxies together. Furthermore, the existence that this very
universe is expanding into (based on scientists today) must be bigger than the
universe for the universe to grow into it. What are the properties of these outer
regions? Its all theoretical – but one thing that isn’t that can be seen right now
are the laws of opposites – extractions (-) and retractions (+) are a part of it.

The idea of ever lasting evolution is the real agenda. They must promote
this notion as natural. For once it’s natural within your minds you will let
evolutionary forces become the governing forces of your own existence. For
evolution then becomes the representation of NOW. Who are the governors
and definers of the direction of evolution – today? Once you realize the
universal existence of cycles, it creates true momentum to change. With
regards to the universe it means its creation was organized as its
characteristics fit within a process. This gives rationale proof of higher
governing forces in existence. Nubians must learn to trust nature. Study its
universal cycles for (+) and (-) must exist in anything within a cycle. Therefore
elements that go away will eventually come back and if solar systems extract
and retract so must the origin of these solar systems. This is universal order.
They do not want Nubians understanding universal cycles because the prime
existence of the universe is closest to Nubians amongst human beings. The
blackness of existence.

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